Business Process Tasks

The tables below provide details about each Business Process task, its purpose, parameters, and usage. Within each task description, bold text indicates mandatory parameters. All parameters are Input, unless designated as Output. Each task uses a newer, user-friendly naming convention. Beside each name, in parenthesis, is the version used in older/legacy Clarify versions. Either one can be used in the filter section of the Business Process editor to search for an action.


This task adds two numbers.

Parameter Type Description
Result Long, Double Output
Addend 1 Long, Double The first number to be added.
Addend 2 Long, Double The second number to be added.

Soap Attachments - Add Attachment (AddSoapAttachments)

This task adds SOAP attachments with content IDs.

Parameter Type Description
Soap Attachments SOAP Attachments The collection of attachments to add to.
Content ID(s) String, Array The name(s) of the attachment(s) being added.
Attachments Storage Node, Array The container(s) for the attachment(s).

String Append (AppendString)

This task appends a string to the end of another string.

Parameter Type Description
Result String Output
String String The string to append to.
Append String The string to be appended.

Assemble - MIMI Multipart (AssembleMultipartMime)

This task assembles a MIME Multipart using the given collection of individual MIME parts.

Parameter Type Description
Source MIME Parts Array The output from the CreateMimePart task’s Result parameter.
Header Keys Array Strings, each containing the value of the MIME header key to be included in the MIME part header. The size of this array should be equal to the size of the Header Values array, as there is a one-to-one correlation between the MIME Header Keys in this array and the corresponding MIME header values in the Header Values array.
Header Values Array

Strings, each containing the value of the MIME header value to be included in the MIME part header. The size of this array should be equal to the size of the Header Keys array, as there is a one-to-one correlation between the MIME header values in this array and the corresponding MIME header keys in the Header Keys array.Result

Result StorageNode Output.

Change Activations Status (ChangeActivationStatus)

Parameter Type Description
Web Service Provider WsProvider Web Service Provide object

Diff (CompareFiles)

This task compares the contents of two files; if they are identical, the Result is true.

Parameter Type Description
File 1 File The first of the files to compare.
File 2 File The second of the files to compare.
Result Boolean Output.

Compare Files Task (CompareFileswithRegex)

Parameter Type Description
Expected File
Actual File
Opening Regex String
Closing Regex String
Result Boolean

Compare Values (CompareValues)

This task compares two values.

Parameter Type Description
Value 1 Object The first value to be compared.
Value 2 Object The second value to be compared.
Compare Type CompareType The type of comparison. Choices are: Equal, Greater or Equal, Greater Than, Less or Equal, Less Than, and Not Equal.
Result Boolean Output.

Database Monitor Service (ControlDatabaseMonitor)

This task sends a command to a Database Monitor to Start or Stop.

Parameter Type Description
Service Action ServiceActionType The action to perform. (Start or Stop)
Database Monitor DatabaseMonitor The Database Monitor on which to perform the action.

File Monitor Service (ControlFileMonitor)

This task sends a command to a specified File Monitor to Start or Stop.

Parameter Type Description
Service Action ServiceActionType The action to perform. (Start or Stop)
FileMonitor FileMonitor The File Monitor on which to perform the action.

String - Contains (ContainsString)

This task determines if a string contains a value.

Parameter Type Description
Result Boolean Output.
String String The string to be searched.
Search String String The string to search for.
Case Sensitive Boolean Indicates a case sensitive search. Default=true.

Array to String Delimiter (ConvertArraytoStringwithDelimiter)

This task converts an array to a delimited string. The Target string will never be a null value. If no delimited data is available (for example, the Array parameter is null or empty), then an empty Target results.

Parameter Type Description
Array Array The array to convert.
Delimiter String The character to use for separating the values.
Quote Wrapping String String The character to wrap each value in the specified string.
Target String Output.

Date - Convert to String (ConvertDatetoString)

This task converts a date to a string using the simple date format.

Parameter Type Description
Result String Output.
Date Date The date to be modified.
Date Format String The string format to convert the date to.

Convert Spreadsheet (ConvertSpreadsheet)

This task converts transformation output to spreadsheet data.

Parameter Type Description
Template SpreadsheetTemplate Provides information on the output format of the spreadsheet data.
Spreadsheet StorageNode The output of the transformation being converted to spreadsheet format.
Result StorageNode Output.

Extended Character Set Converter (ConvertStorageNode)

This task allows for specifying a character set for use when decoding data. This task is similar to the ConvertStorageNodeWithCharset task, but with additional parameters.

Parameter Type Description
Source Storage Node StorageNode The data to decode.
Source Character Set String, Charset If left blank, Auto Detection is enabled.
Target Storage Node StorageNode Output.
Target Character Set String, Charset Output. If left blank, UTF-8 Is used.
Auto Detected Character Set Charset Output. Retrieves the name of the character set if Auto Detection is used.
Decoder Malformed Action String, CodingErrorAction The action to take when the input data doesn’t make sense (example: if the Byte value is outside the range of the character set).

Choices are: IGNORE (drop it from the data), REPLACE (with the replacement value), and REPORT (by throwing an error and failing).


Decoder Unmappable Action String, CodingErrorAction The action to take when the input character doesn’t exist in UTF-16 (example: if the § symbol doesn’t exist in the UTF-16 charset).

Choices are: IGNORE (drop it from the data), REPLACE (with the replacement value), and REPORT (by throwing an error and failing).


Decoder Replacement Value String If REPLACE is indicated for either the Decoder Malformed Action or Decoder Unmappable Action parameters and the conditions are met, this value is used.
Encoder Malformed Action String, CodingErrorAction The action to take when the input data doesn’t make sense (example: if the Byte value is outside the range of the character set).

Choices are: IGNORE (drop it from the data), REPLACE (with the replacement value), and REPORT (by throwing an error and failing).


Encoder Unmappable Action String, CodingErrorAction The action to take when the input character doesn’t exist in UTF-16 (example: if the § symbol doesn’t exist in the UTF-16 charset).Choices are: IGNORE (drop it from the data), REPLACE (with the replacement value), and REPORT (by throwing an error and failing).Default=REPLACE.
Encoder Replacement Value String If REPLACE is set for either the Encoder Malformed Action or Encoder Unmappable Action parameters and the conditions are met, this value is used.

Convert Storage Node to String (ConvertStorageNodetoString)

This task converts the specified object to a string representation.

Parameter Type Description
Storage Node StorageNode The object to be converted.
Result String Output.

Character Set Converter (ConvertStorageNodeWithCharset)

Parameter Type Description
Source Storage Node StorageNode The data to decode.
Source Character Set String, Charset If left blank, Auto Detection is enabled.
Target Storage Node StorageNode Output.
Target Character Set String, Charset Output. If left blank, UTF-8 Is used.
Auto Detected Character Set Charset Output. Retrieves the name of the character set if Auto Detection is used.

Convert To Number (ConvertStringToNumber)

This task converts a numeric string value to a Double data type value.

Parameter Type Description
Result Double Output.
String String The string to convert.

Convert String To StorageNode (ConvertStringToStorageNode)

This task converts a specified string representation to a StorageNode.

Parameter Type Description
String String The string to convert.
String StorageNode Output.

Convert To String (ConvertToString)

This task converts any value into its string form.

Parameter Type Description
Object Object The value to convert.
Result String Ouput.

Array - Create (CreateArray)

This task creates a new array for use throughout a Business Process.

Parameter Type Description
Result Array Output.
Size Long The size of the array to be created.
Iterator Variable (Sets Zero) Long Initializes (sets to zero) a counter/index for an array position variable.

Context Point - Create (CreateContextPoint)

This task creates a Context Point object in the Storage Manager and returns a reference to a StorageNode.

Parameter Type Description
Result StorageNode Output.

Create File (CreateFile)

This task creates a file.

Parameter Type Description
Filename String The name of the file.
Filepath String The fully-qualified location for the file.
Last Modified Date Date The last modified date.
Result File Output.

Create Log of Connection (CreateLogOfConnection)

Parameter Type Description
StorageNode StorageNode
Log Log

Create Message (CreateMessage)

Parameter Type Description
Body StorageNode
Connection Id String
Partnership ESXPartnership
Content Type String
Filename String
Environment String
Subject String
Message StorageNode

Create MIME Part (CreateMimePart)

This task creates a MIME part from the given source content.

Parameter Type Description
Content StorageNode The source file/content to be included.
Header Keys Array Strings, each containing the value of the MIME header key to be included in the MIME part header. The size of this array should be equal to the size of the Header Values array, as there is a one-to-one correlation between the MIME Header Keys in this array and the corresponding MIME header values in the Header Values array.
Header Values Array Strings, each containing the value of the MIME header value to be included in the MIME part header. The size of this array should be equal to the size of the Header Keys array, as there is a one-to-one correlation between the MIME header values in this array and the corresponding MIME header keys in the Header Keys array.
Result StorageNode Output

Create Sortable Message Logs (CreateSortableMessageLogs)

Parameter Type Description
Log of Application Batch Id Log
Log of Work File Id Log

Date - Decrement Field (DecrementDateField)

This task subtracts a specified number from a specified date and date field.

Parameter Type Description
Result Date Output.
Field DateField The date field. Choices are: Day, Hour, Millisecond, Minute, Month, Second, Week, and Year.
Amount Long The amount to decrement.
Date Date The date to be modified.

Disassemble MIME Multipart (DissasembleMultipartMime)

This task disassembles a MIME multipart object into an array of StorageNodes, each containing a single MIME part.

Parameter Type Description
Multipart MIME StorageNode Contains the MIME multipart content.
Result Array Output.

UUID Encoding Conversion (EncodeUuid)

This task converts to or from an internal UUID specification.

Parameter Type Description
Encoding Specification UUIDEncodingSpecification Indicates the type of encoding operation to perform. Choices are: Encoded and Unencoded.
UUID Data String String The input string on which the operation is performed.
String String Output.

Envelope Assembly By Context Point (EnvelopeAssemblyByContextPoint)

Parameter Type Description
sourceContextStorageNode StorageNode

Envelope Assembly By Log Filter (EnvelopeAssemblyByLogFilter)

Parameter Type Description
LogofApplicationBatchId Log

Execute Basic Syntax Analyzer (ExecuteBasicSyntaxAnalyzer)

Parameter Type Description
Log Log
Transformation Batch Log
Is New Line Part of Data Stream Boolean
Decoding Character Set

Execute Connection Router (ExecuteConnectionRouter)

Parameter Type Description
Log of Connection Batch Log

Execute Envelope Creation Router (ExecuteEnvelopeCreationRouter)


Parameter Type Description
Log of Application Batch Log
Log of Envelope Assembly String
Log of Connection Batch Log

Execute Envelope Router (ExecuteEnvelopeRouter)


Parameter Type Description
Transformation Batch Log
For Reprocessing Boolean

Execute Simple Date Purge (ExecuteSimpleDatePurge)

This task purges log records and associated transaction data. Once a record is deleted, it cannot be retrieved.
Note: if any of the parameters are null/empty, the purge will still run but always leave 14 days worth of data.
Parameter Type Description
Delete All Data Older Than Long, Date Deletes all log records older than this.
Delete Transaction Data Older Than Long, Date Deletes all log records older than this, with the exception of the Log of Connection and Log of Interchange.
Delete Virtual Disk data Older Than Long, Date Deletes all virtual disk data older than this.

Execute Transformation (ExecuteTransformation)

This task executes a transformation that produces a single output.

Parameter Type Description
Source StorageNode The data to be transformed.
Target StorageNode Output. The transformed data.
Transformation Settings TransformationSettings The Transformation Settings to be used.
Ruleset Ruleset The Ruleset to be executed.
Update StorageNode Output. The update data.
Source Context StorageNode Allows a Context Point to be sent to the Ruleset for each entry in the map of name/value pairs. Names not correctly addressed are ignored.
Target Context StorageNode Output. Allows the Business Process to point to the Context Point. All Variables in both the glb and env areas of the Ruleset Editor’s Variables pane are populated.

Execute Transformation - Multiple Output (ExecuteTransformationGeneratingMultipleOutput)

This task executes a transformation that produces multiple outputs.

Parameter Type Description
Source StorageNode The data to be transformed.
Target Array Output. StorageNodes containing the transformed data.
Transformation Settings TransformationSettings The Transformation Settings to be used.
Ruleset Ruleset The Ruleset to be executed.
Update Array Output. StorageNodes containing the update data.
Source Context StorageNode Allows a Context Point to be sent to the Ruleset for each entry in the map of name/value pairs. Names not correctly addressed are ignored.
Target Context Array Output. Allows the Business Process to point to the Context Point. All Variables in both the glb and env areas of the Ruleset Editor’s Variables pane are populated.

Extract Edi Acknowledgement Error Data (ExtractEdiAcknowledgementErrorData)

This task extracts EDI Acknowledgement Error data.

Parameter Type Description
Ack Error Properties EdiDataMap This represents errors reported by your trading partner for a specific outbound group of data.
Original ICN String Output. The original outbound document’s Interchange Control Number.
Original GCN String Output. The original outbound document’s Group Control Number.
Original TSCN String Output. The original outbound document’s Message Control Number.
Ack Action Code String Output. The Acknowledgement Action Code received in the Acknowledgement response.
Syntax Error Code String Output. The Acknowledgement Syntax Error Code received in the Acknowledgement response.
Error Code 1 String Output. The Additional Error Code 1 received in the Acknowledgement response.
Error Code 2 String Output. The Additional Error Code 2 received in the Acknowledgement response.
Error Code 3 String Output. The Additional Error Code 3 received in the Acknowledgement response.
Error Code 4 String Output. The Additional Error Code 4 received in the Acknowledgement response.
Message Included String Output. Received in the Acknowledgement response indicating the number of messages reported as included by the receiver of the original group.
Message Received String Output. Received in the Acknowledgement response indicating the number of messages reported as received by the receiver of the original group.
Message Accepted String Output. Received in the Acknowledgement response indicating the number of messages reported as accepted by the receiver of the original group.

Extract Edi Interchange Data (ExtractEdiInterchangeData)

This task extracts EDI Interchange Data for a specified interchange.

Parameter Type Description
Interchange Properties EdiDataMap A list of interchange level data from the inbound interchange.
ICN String Output. The Interchange Control Number value contained in the inbound ISA segment.
Received Id String Output. The Receiver Id value contained in the inbound ISA segment.
Received Id Qual String Output. The Receiver Id Qualifier value contained in the inbound ISA segment.
Sender Id String Output. The Sender Id value contained in the inbound ISA segment.
Sender Id Qual String Output. The Sender Id Qualifier value contained in the inbound ISA segment.
Authorization Info String Output. The Authorization Info value contained in the inbound ISA segment.
Authorization Qual String Output. The Authorization Qualifier value contained in the inbound ISA segment.
Security Info String Output. The Security Info value contained in the inbound ISA segment.
Security Qual String Output. The Security Qualifier value contained in the inbound ISA segment.
Interchange Date String Output. The Interchange Date value contained in the inbound ISA segment.
Interchange Time String Output. The Interchange Time value contained in the inbound ISA segment.
Segment Delimiter String Output. The Segment Delimiter value contained in the inbound ISA segment.
Element Delimiter String Output. The Element Delimiter value contained in the inbound ISA segment.
Sub-Element Delimiter String Output. The Sub-Element Delimiter value contained in the inbound ISA segment.
Repetition Separator String Output. The Repetition Separator value contained in the inbound ISA segment.
Interchange Version ID String Output. The Interchange Version ID value contained in the inbound ISA segment.
Interchange Ack Requested String Output. The Interchange Ack Requested value contained in the inbound ISA segment.
Test Indicator String Output. The Test Indicator value contained in the inbound ISA segment.

Extract Edi Route Error Data (ExtractEdiRouteErrorData)

This task extracts EDI Route Error Data.

Parameter Type Description
Error Properties EdiDataMap A list EDI Route errors reported for the inbound interchange.
GCN String Output. The Group Control Number contained in the group segment of the inbound data.
Group Code String Output. The Group Code number contained in the group segment of the inbound data.
App Receiver ID String Output. The App Receiver ID contained in the group segment of the inbound data.
App Receiver ID Qual String Output. The App Receiver ID Qualifier contained in the group segment of the inbound data.
App Sender ID String Output. The App Sender ID contained in the group segment of the inbound data.
App Sender ID Qual String Output. The App Sender ID Qualifier contained in the group segment of the inbound data.
Group Date String Output. The Group Date contained in the group segment of the inbound data.
Group Time String Output. The Group Time contained in the group segment of the inbound data.
Controlling Agency String Output. The Controlling Agency contained in the group segment of the inbound data.
Version Release String Output. The Version Release contained in the group segment of the inbound data.
Messages Sent in Group String Output. The Messages sent in Group contained in the group segment of the inbound data.
TSCN String Output. The Message Ctrl REF contained in the message segment of the inbound data.
Message ID String Output. The Message ID contained in the message segment of the inbound data.
Error String String Output. The description of the EDI Route error being reported.
Profile Name String Output. The name of the Collaboration Profile for which the error is being reported.

Extract Mime Part (ExtractMimePart)

This task extracts the content of a MIME part, as well as the header name/value pairs.

Parameter Type Description
MIME Part StorageNode Contains the MIME part content.
Header Keys Array Output. The MIME header keys that were part of the MIME part.
Header Values Array Output. The MIME header values that were part of the MIME part.
Result StorageNode Output.

Extract Edi Interchange Data (ExtractEdiInterchangeData)

This task extracts EDI Interchange Data for a specified interchange.

Parameter Type Description
Interchange Properties EdiDataMap A list of interchange level data from the inbound interchange.
ICN String Output. The Interchange Control Number value contained in the inbound ISA segment.
Received Id String Output. The Receiver Id value contained in the inbound ISA segment.
Received Id Qual String Output. The Receiver Id Qualifier value contained in the inbound ISA segment.
Sender Id String Output. The Sender Id value contained in the inbound ISA segment.
Sender Id Qual String Output. The Sender Id Qualifier value contained in the inbound ISA segment.
Authorization Info String Output. The Authorization Info value contained in the inbound ISA segment.
Authorization Qual String Output. The Authorization Qualifier value contained in the inbound ISA segment.
Security Info String Output. The Security Info value contained in the inbound ISA segment.
Security Qual String Output. The Security Qualifier value contained in the inbound ISA segment.
Interchange Date String Output. The Interchange Date value contained in the inbound ISA segment.
Interchange Time String Output. The Interchange Time value contained in the inbound ISA segment.
Segment Delimiter String Output. The Segment Delimiter value contained in the inbound ISA segment.
Element Delimiter String Output. The Element Delimiter value contained in the inbound ISA segment.
Sub-Element Delimiter String Output. The Sub-Element Delimiter value contained in the inbound ISA segment.
Repetition Separator String Output. The Repetition Separator value contained in the inbound ISA segment.
Interchange Version ID String Output. The Interchange Version ID value contained in the inbound ISA segment.
Interchange Ack Requested String Output. The Interchange Ack Requested value contained in the inbound ISA segment.
Test Indicator String Output. The Test Indicator value contained in the inbound ISA segment.

String - Format (FormatString)

This task formats a string.

Parameter Type Description
Result String Output.
String String The string to be formatted.
Format StringFormattingSpecification The format to use. Choices are: To Lower Case, To Upper Case, and Trim.

Generate Unique Value (GenerateUuid)

This task generates a Universally Unique Identifier, a 32-character Hexadecimal value.

Parameter Type Description
Result String Output.

Generic Document Contains (GenericDocumentContains)

Array - Get Element (GetArrayElement)

This task retrieves the value of an indexed element in an array.

Parameter Type Description
Array Array The array to get the item from.
Position Long The position of the item in the array.
Result Object Output.

Array - Get Element & Increment Position (GetArrayElementAndIncrementPosition)

This task retrieves the value of an indexed element in an array and increments the position.

Parameter Type Description
Array Array The array to get the item from.
Position Long The position of the item in the array.
Result Object Output.

Array - Get Size (GetArraySize)

This task retrieves the number of elements in an array.

Parameter Type Description
Array Array The array whose size is to be computed.
Result Long Output
Iterator Variable (sets zero) Long Initialize a counter/index for an array position variable to zero.

Context Point - Get Value (GetContextPointValue)

This task inspects an entry in an assigned Ruleset Data Object (RDO) and sets the Result parameter in the glb or env areas of the Variables section of the Ruleset.

Parameter Type Description
Context Point StorageNode The Context Point to be inspected.
Variable Name


Uses the name of the field identified in a Ruleset Data Object.

Result String or StorageNode Output.

Date - Get Current Date (GetCurrentDate)

This task retrieves the current date.

Parameter Type Description
Result Date Output

Get Current Time (GetCurrentTime)

This task retrieves the current time.

Parameter Type Description
Result Time Output.

Database Monitor - Retrieve Entries (GetDatabaseMonitorEntries)

This task initiates the communication to Clarify of all database events previously stored in the Database Monitors queuing table. It is to be used with Clarify Database Monitors that are deployed in batch mode. In batch mode, Database Monitors record database events to the queuing table on the database.

Parameter Type Description
Database Monitor DatabaseMonitor The Database Monitor to retrieve queued database events for.

Database Monitor Service State Check (GetDatabaseMonitorState)

This task determines if a particular Database Monitor is running.

Parameter Type Description
Database Monitor DatabaseMonitor The Database Monitor to check the current state of.
Running Boolean Output.

Date - Get Field (GetDateField)

This task retrieves an individual unit of time from a date.

Parameter Type Description
Result Long Output.
Date Field DateField The portion of the date field to retrieve: Day, Hour, Millisecond, Minute, Month, Second, Week, and Year.
Date Date The date from which to retrieve the field.

GetClarifyBuildInfo (GetEbiBuildInfo)

This task retrieves the application build number and date of the installed version of Clarify.

Parameter Type Description
Build Number Output.
Build Date Date Output.

File Monitor Service Stae Check (GetFileMonitorState)

This task checks the state of a File System Monitor.

Parameter Type Description

Files Monitor

FileMonitor The File Monitor to check.
Running Boolean Ouput.

Get Next Number (GetNextNumber)

This task retrieves the next sequential number from the Next Number repository.

Parameter Type Description
Next Number Key String The name of the Next Numbers object to retrieve the next number for.
Note: The fully qualified path must be defined as such: <project name>.<package name>.<object name>.<next number key name>.
Result Long Output.

Get Process Number (GetProcessNumber)

This task retrieves the current process number within the Auditor.

For example, to update a Data Source with the Process Number of the Collaboration that processed the record last, use the Get Process Number task to populate a variable in a Business Process and then set a value in a Source Context Point for a transformation. Include the Process Number in a "failure" e-mail. You could first get the number of the process with this task, then concatenate or replace a keyword using the string tasks to the e-mail’s Subject or Message parameter values.

Parameter Type Description
Process Number String Retrieves the current process number within the Auditor.

Get Project Location (GetProjectLocation)

Parameter Type Description
Project Name String
Result location String

Get Property (GetProperty)

This task retrieves a value from a properties file.

Parameter Type Description
Properties String, File, Properties The properties file.
Property Name String The name of the property.
Result String Output.

SOAP Attachments - Get All Content ID (GetSoapAttachmentContentIds)

This task gets all of the SOAP Content IDs.

Parameter Type Description
Soap Attachments SOAPAttachment The collection of attachments.
Result (Content IDs) Array Output.

SOAP Attachments - Get Attachment for Content ID (GetSoapAttachmentForContentId)

This task gets a SOAP attachment for a specified Content ID.

Parameter Type Description
Soap Attachments SOAPAttachment The collection of attachments.
Content ID String The name of the attachment.
Result StorageNode Output.

SOAP Attachments - Get All Attachments (GetSoapAttachments)

This task retrieves all of the SOAP Content IDs.

Parameter Type Description
Soap Attachments SOAPAttachment The collection of attachments.
Result (Content IDs) Array Output.


This task retrieves a specified file from the local file system.

Parameter Type Description
Result File, String The fully-qualified file system path of the internal Clarify storage location.
Storage Node StorageNode Output.


This task attempts to retrieve a StorageNode from a string (a decoded UUID).

Parameter Type Description
Result StorageNode Output.
UUID String The de-coded UUID string used to lookup the StorageNode.


This task retrieves a Transformation Setting value (such as a field delimiter).

Parameter Type Description
Transformation Settings TransformationSettings The Transformation Settings object to retrieve the value from.
Key String The key name of the Transformation Setting to retrieve.
Result String Output.


Parameter Type Description
storageId StorageNode
interchangeProperties EdiDataMap
acknolwedgementErrorProperties EdiDataMap


Parameter Type Description
storageId StorageNode
interchangeProperties EdiDataMap


Parameter Type Description
storageId StorageNode
interchangeProperties EdiDataMap
routeErrorList Array


Parameter Type Description
storageId StorageNode
interchangeProperties EdiDataMap
routeNotFoundCount Long


Parameter Type Description
storageId StorageNode
interchangeProperties EdiDataMap
routeProcessBindingsNotFoundCount Long


Parameter Type Description
storageId StorageNode
interchangeProperties EdiDataMap


This task adds a specified number to a specified date and date field.

Parameter Type Description
Result Date Output.
Date Field DateField The date field. Choices are: Day, Hour, Millisecond, Minute, Month, Second, Week, and Year.
Amount Long The amount to increment.
Date Date The date to be modified.


This task returns the location in a string of the first occurrence of another string starting at a specified position.

Parameter Type Description
Result Long Output.
String String The string to search.
Search String String The string to find.
Start Index (default: 1) Long Default=1.


This task inserts one string into another.

Parameter Type Description
Result String Output.
String String The sting to insert the substring into.
Insertion String String The substring to be inserted.
Insertion Index Long The position in the string to insert the substring.


This task retrieves a list of files in a specified directory.

Parameter Type Description
Directory File, String The directory from which to return the list of files. This value this can be either a file type pointing to a directory, or a string. The string can contain Global Variables, allowing you to use the same values in a subsequent Read Adapter.
Filename Filter (regex) String The Regular Expression used to filter results.The default is .*; which matches everything.
Sort (ASC or DESC) String This is either ASC or DESC. Default=ASC.
Filenames (Array of String) Array Output. A sorted array of filenames in the directory matching the provided Filename Filter.
Array Size Long Output. The size of the returned array.
Iterator Variable (Sets Zero) Long Output. Sets an index variable to zero for use when looping over the returned array.


This task reads a property file and stores the values in the Clarify storage manager.

Parameter Type Description
Properties File String, File, Properties The properties file to be loaded; the string path to the properties file.
Result Properties The values in the properties file in a format that Clarify can use.


This task permanently saves temporary transaction data in the Clarify storage manager.

Parameter Type Description
Storage Node StorageNode A unique identifier representing the transaction data.


Parameter Type Description
Merged Storage Node StorageNode
Storage Node StorageNode


Parameter Type Description
payload StorageNode
decodingCharacterSetName String


This task replaces all matches of a given Regular Expression in a string with a replacement string.

Parameter Type Description
Result String Output.
String String The string to do the replacement on.
Regular Expressions String The Regular Expression to match what needs to be replaced.
Replacement String String The value to replace the matches with.


This task requests that all known Global Variables be "resolved" in a string variable.

Parameter Type Description
Result String Output.
String String The string in which to resolve the variable. If the variable is not resolved, this task fails.


This task retrieves the status of a group of connections.

Parameter Type Description
Context StorageNode The StorageNode containing the status of the logs to be retrieved.
Status LogStatus Output. The status of the retrieved log.
Note: Strings must be entered as fully qualified names. For example: <package name>.<object name>.<variable name>


Parameter Type Description
Interchange Log ID Log
Interchange Log Data StorageNode


This task runs a command in the underlying OS.

Parameter Type Description
Command String The command to run.
Return Code Long Output. The return code from the command that was run.
Redirect Stdin StorageNode The StorageNode to read standard in from.
Redirect Stdout StorageNode, File Output. The StorageNode to write standard out to.
Redirect Stderr StorageNode, File Output. The StorageNode to write standard error to.


This task instructs a Business Process to be launched.

Parameter Type Description
Unit of Time UnitOfTime The unit of time. Choices are: Absolute Date, Day, Hour, Minute, Month, Second, Week, and Year.
Duration/Date Long, Date The duration or time.
Script to Execute Business Process The Business Process to be launched.
Recurrence Recurrence The Recurrence type.


Parameter Type Description
connectionId String
delivered String
description String


This task sends an e-mail.

Parameter Type Description
To String The recipient’s email address(es); separate by a semi-colon if more than one.
From String The sender’s email address.
CC String The carbon copy address(es); separate by a semi-colon if more than one.
BCC String The blind carbon copy email address(es); separate by a semi-colon if more than one.
Subject String The subject.
Message String, StorageNode The message. If a StorageNode, the contents of the StorageNode is read into memory and copied into the message of the email.
Attachment File, String, StorageNode The attachment. If a String, this must be the pathname to an existing file. If a StorageNode, the content of the StorageNode is attached to the email.
Attachment Name String The name for the e-mail attachment.


This task sends an Event to the Event Notification Manager.

Parameter Type Description
Notification Type The name of the Event to be triggered.
Payload The data payload.
Is Outbound Boolean Indicates if external listeners should receive this Event.


This task sends an error message for a synchronous Web Service Provider request to a Web Service Consumer.

Parameter Type Description
Session String Utilized within Clarify to internally track the request.
Error Message String Output. The error message to be sent to the Web Service Consumer.


This task is typically used in conjunction with the CreateMessage task. Together, these tasks are used to generate and send an ECA message. The CreateMessage task creates an ECA message based on the arguments passed into the task. It then stores the resulting generated ECA message in a StorageNode as specified by its Message output parameter. That output parameter is then typically used as the input parameter to this task. The Channel parameter defines the ECA channel to which the message will be sent.

Parameter Type Description
Message StorageNode The location containing the ECA Message (generated by the CreateMessage task) to be sent.
Channel ChannelName The ECA channel to which the ECA message is to be sent.


The SendMessageToHarmony Business Process task is used to write to the PayloadToVl table on its internal database, as part of the messaging interface with Cleo Harmony.

Parameter Type Description
HarmonyConnectionAlias String This is the Harmony Host Alias or the actual Connection in and out of Harmony itself (not the Clarify Connector Host Alias).
Payload StorageNode The data payload.
LogOfConnection String Depending on its source, this existing LOC id can be included in this task for dashboard use or troubleshooting.

Enter null (if not using).


This task sends a reply for an inbound Web Service (REST) request to the Web Service Consumer.

Parameter Type Description
Session String Used to internally track the request.
Reply Document StorageNode Output. The data payload (document) to be sent to the Web Service Consumer.
Reply Headers Properties Output. The headers to be sent to the Web Service Consumer.


This task sends a reply for an inbound SOAP Web Service request to the Web Service Consumer.

Parameter Type Description
Session String Used to internally track the request.
Reply Document StorageNode Output. The data payload (document) to be sent to the Web Service Consumer.
Reply Headers Properties Used to internally track the request.


This task sends a reply for an inbound Web Service (REST) request to the Web Service Consumer.

Parameter Type Description
Session String Used to internally track the request.
Reply Document StorageNode Output. The data payload (document) to be sent to the Web Service Consumer.
Reply Headers Properties Output. The headers to be sent to the Web Service Consumer.


This task sets the value of an indexed element in an array.

Parameter Type Description
Array Array The array to set the element in.
Position Long The position in the array to be set.
Value Object The value to set it to.


This task sets the value of an indexed element in an array and increments the position.

Parameter Type Description
Array Array The array to set the element in.
Position Long The position in the array to be set.
Value Object The value to set it to.


This task sets the parameters values according to the mapping in an Inbound EDI Route.

Parameter Type Description
Endpoint EDI Enveloper The Inbound EDI Route to get the values from.


This task sets a value in a Context Point.

Parameter Type Description
Context Point StorageNode Where the Context Point is stored.
Variable Name String

Uses the name of the field identified in a Ruleset Data Object.

Value String or StorageNode This will be set in the glb area of the Ruleset Editor’s Variables pane.


This task sets a date field to a value.

Parameter Type Description
Result Date Output.
Date Field Date Field The date field: Day, Hour, Millisecond, Minute, Month, Second, Week, and Year.
Source Long The date to be modified.
Source Date The date to be modified.


The final Pass/Fail status of a Business Process is inherited from the status of the last task that it executes. This task, which explicitly sets the final Pass/Fail status of the entire Business Process, does not deviate from this behavior – therefore, it must be the last task to be executed in the Business Process. This task is useful if you want to execute a series of conditional tasks, but still indicate that the Business Process as a whole is to be considered a failure/success.

Parameter Type Description
Status Boolean Pass=true; Fail=false.


This task sets a Global Variable value.

Parameter Type Description
Key String The Variable Name of the Global Variable. The name is specified without the “<” markers. For example, to change the Global Variable <output.path>, the value for this parameter should be specified as “output.path” (no quotes).
New value String The new value of the Global Variable.
Old value String Output. The value of the Global Variable before it was changed.
Create GSSV if not found Boolean Indicates if the Global Variable is to be created if not found. Default=true.
Note: Strings must be entered as fully qualified names. For example: <package name>.<object name>.<variable name>


This task sets the value of a property in a properties file.

Parameter Type Description
Properties File String, File, Properties The properties file to be edited. Or, the string path to the properties file.
Property Name String The property in the file that is to be set.
Value String The value of the property to be set.


This task sets the values of parameters according to the mapping in an Inbound EDI Route.

Parameter Type Description
Route EDIRoute The Inbound EDI Route to get the values from.


This task allows you to dynamically set Transformation Settings (such as a field delimiter) while a Business Process is executing.

Parameter Type Description
Transformation Settings Transformation Settings The transformation setting to change.
Key String The key name of the transformation setting to change.
New Value String Output.


This task sets the value of a variable.

Parameter Type Description
Variable Object The variable to be set.
Value Object The value to set it to.


This task sets...

Parameter Type Description
returnValue Void
arg0 String


This task supports the SSH File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) for securely transferring a file from an SFTP Server. All parameters are required.

Parameter Type Description
Storage Node StorageNode The internal storage location of the file retrieved from the server.
Server Username String The username for authentication on the remote server.
Server Password String The password for authentication on the remote server.
Server Hostname/IP String The remote location to connect to.
Server Port String The port number on the remote server to connect to.
Remote Path and Filename String The location and filename on the remote server of the file this task should attempt to retrieve the file from.
Delete Remote File Boolean Indicates if Clarify should delete the file from the server after successfully retrieving it.
Connection Timeout (Seconds) String The number of milliseconds to wait before timing out the connection attempt.


This task supports the SSH File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) for securely transferring multiple files from an SFTP Server.

Parameter Type Description
Storage Node Array The internal storage location(s) of the file(s) retrieved from the server.
Filenames The filename(s) matched and retrieved from the server.
Server Username String The username for authentication on the remote server.
Server Password String The password for authentication on the remote server.
Server Hostname/IP String The remote location to connect to.
Server Port String The port number on the remote server to connect to.
Remote Path String The location on the remote server this task should attempt to retrieve the file(s) from.
Local Path String The location on the local server this task should place retrieved file(s).
Filename Filter The regular expression that will filter files retrieved from the remote path.
Delete Remote File Boolean Indicates if Clarify should delete the file(s) from the server after successfully retrieving them.
Connection Tiimeout String The number of milliseconds to wait before timing out the connection attempt.


This task supports the SSH File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) for securely transferring a file to an SFTP Server.

Parameter Type Description
Storage Node StorageNode The internal storage location of the file to be sent to the server.
Server Username String The username for authentication on the remote server.
Server Password String The password for authentication on the remote server.
Server Hostname/IP String The port number on the remote server to connect to.
Server Port String The port number on the remote server to connect to.
Remote Path and Filename String The location and filename on the remote server of the file this task should attempt to write the file to.
Connection Timeout String The number of milliseconds to wait before timing out the connection attempt.


This task supports the SSH File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) for securely transferring multiple files to an SFTP Server. All parameters in bold are required.

Parameter Type Description
Storage Node Array The internal storage location(s) of the file(s) to be sent to the server.
Remote Filename Array Array
Server Username String The username for authentication on the remote server.
Server Password String The password for authentication on the remote server.
Server Hostname/IP String The remote location to connect to.
Server Port String The port number on the remote server to connect to.
Remote Path String The location on the remote server this task should attempt to send the file(s) to.
Connection Timeout String The number of milliseconds to wait before timing out the connection attempt.


Parameter Type Description
Unit of Time Unit of time
Duration/Date Long, Date


This task turns a delimited string into an array based on a delimiter.

Parameter Type Description
Result Array Output.
String String The string to be split.
Delimiter The delimiter by which the string will be split.
Return Delimiters (default = false) Determines if the delimiter is included in the output array. Default=false.


This task tests if a StorageNode contains at least one non-white space character.

Parameter Type Description
StorageNode StorageNode The storage node to be tested.


This task computes the length of a string.

Parameter Type Description
String String The string to compute the length of.
Result Long Output.


This task converts all characters in a string to lowercase.

Parameter Type Description
Result String Output.
String String The string to convert to lower case.


This task converts all characters in a string to uppercase.

Parameter Type Description
Result String Output.
String String The string to convert to upper case.


This task extracts a substring from a string.

Parameter Type Description
Result String Output.
String String The sting to take the substring from.
Start Index Long The starting index of the substring to be extracted.
End Index Long When left blank, the end of the string is assumed.


This subtracts one number from another.

Parameter Type Description
Result Long, Double Output.
Minuend Long, Double The number to be subtracted from.
Subtrahend Long, Double The number to subtract from the minuend.


Parameter Type Description
Acknowledgement Validation Data StorageNode


Parameter Type Description
Connection Id String
Status String
Description String
Session String


Parameter Type Description
Log Log


This task writes a StorageNode directly to a file without using an adapter.

Parameter Type Description
StorageNode StorageNode
Destination File, String Output.


This task searches a StorageNode to see if it contains a specified value. The data (internally) should point to an XML File. The data search is based on a plain-text representation of the object – that is, the Source is searched as if it is a human-readable XML representation of the data. No special parsing is performed to match against element names, attribute names/values, etc. So, you may search for <ELEMENT_NAME> – not just ELEMENT_NAME.

Parameter Type Description
Document StorageNode The StorageNode from which to read the XML data.
Search String String The string (or Regular Expression) to search for.
Is Regular Expression (default table) Boolean Indicates if the Search String should be treated as a Regular Expression; default = false.
Result Boolean Output. This will never be a null value - unless an internal error occurs that would cause the Business Process to fail anyway.


This task can be used to query an Xml document and return the result as an array variable.

Parameter Type Description
Storage Node StorageNode The StorageNode containing the XML data.
XPath String The Xpath query as a string variable.
Result Array

The result will be returned as an array variable.