Running Backup/Restore from a Windows Command

This topic describes how to manually run the backup/restore script from a Windows command line.

Open a command prompt and cd to the utils folder in the Clarify install. It is essential to use this folder as the working directory.

C:\Users\guest>cd C:\Cleo\Clarify4_Server\utils

Now execute the script…




The script now runs. As it does, information regarding the database configuration values are displayed in the command window. If the script can’t find a value, an error message will display.

Alternatively, you can run the script explicitly specifying the number of jobs to run. The following command executes the scripts and tells it to run 15 concurrent jobs during the backup/restore.

C:\Cleo\Clarify4_Server\utils>backup_db_execute 15


C:\Cleo\Clarify4_Server\utils>restore_db 15