Port Settings

Clarify Servers use predefined port settings that seldom require configuration.

As part of the Clarify Server installation, Coordinator Nodes are configured to use 2551, Receiver Nodes to use 2553 via these two properties respectively:
  • ebi.coordinatorSystem.port
  • ebi.receiverSystem.port
Workers default to any available port and are not explicitly set. Additionally, Coordinators host Admin Console, Dashboard, and Websocket services that use these properties and default port values. These property values are specified in the node.properties file of a Coordinator Node:
  • com.extol.ebi.runtime.acservices.port = 8888
  • com.extol.ebi.runtime.jetty.dashboard.port = 5250
  • com.extol.ebi.runtime.websocket.port = 8025
The installer automatically increments the values when a second Coordinator Node is created, in case it is running on the same machine. This incrementing also applies to the Receiver’s host: Jetty, JettySSL, and JMS services that use the following properties and default port values. These are specified in the node.properties file of a Receiver Node:
  • com.extol.ebi.runtime.jetty.port = 8081
  • com.extol.ebi.runtime.jetty.ssl.port = 8443
  • com.extol.ebi.runtime.jms.port = 61616

A Single Server installation contains all of these properties in a single node.properties file.

Recommended Port Setting Ranges

Cleo recommends referencing the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) when determining what new port setting to assign. IANA is responsible for managing port registration and assignment. You can view their latest list at http://www.iana.org/assignments/port-numbers.

Note: According to the IANA, ports 49152 through 65535 are private ports that should never be utilized by any software package, so they should be safe to use.

Resolving Port Conflicts

From a command prompt, perform a netstat -nao command to retrieve a list of Active Connections. These Active Connections will display a port number following the Local Address for each connection, for example, If shown, this port number is currently being used by another program. See the image below.

Detect a port conflict by searching for any of the ports required for the Clarify Server mentioned above, and note its PID (Process Identifier) pictured above, to the right of each Active Connection. Then, cross-reference the PID numbers with program in Windows Task Manager to find the program currently using the port. Cleo recommends starting the server prior to other applications that may use those ports. Often, programs can be started after and use a different, available port.

Note: Include the PID column beneath the Services or Processes tab in Windows Task Manage and sort by PID to easily detect the program. Click End Process to terminate that process. Then, start the server with the ports now available.

For further assistance in resolving port conflicts, contact Customer Support at (866) 444-CLEO (2536) or pasupport@cleo.com.