Defining Email Receive Monitors

Defining an Email Receive Monitor requires establishing connection settings for your email server, including where and how often the monitor will operate, and selecting which Event to begin processing once an email is detected.

An Event must exist in order for data to be passed from this monitor to a Business Process. If you have not already created one, see Creating Events.

The following steps take place in the Email Receive Monitor editor, which has these sections: Event and Settings.

  1. Under Event, click in the field to select the Event which will launch upon email detection.
  2. Under Settings, in the Host, field, either:
    • Type the name of your host email server. For example,
    • Click the Global Variable button to select a Global Variable.
  3. In the Port field, enter the email host's server port value; some servers have separate port values depending on whether you are using SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) or TLS (Transport Layer Security). In this case, use the port that supports your intended protocol.
  4. In the Username field, either:
    • Type in the username for the account that you want to monitor for received emails. For example:
    • Click the Global Variable button to select a Global Variable.
  5. In the Password field, either:
    • Enter the password for the account from which you will send email.
    • Click the Global Variable button to select a Global Variable.
    Note: While Global Variables can be displayed as asterisks (*) in this editor, they are not displayed as asterisks in the Global Variable editor. Before you use this object to store a password, be aware that others may be able to view this information elsewhere in the Studio.
    Note: Passwords can display as actual text by using the Show Clear Text button.
  6. Indicate the email folder to monitor by entering this information into the Folder To Monitor field. Fields are case-sensitive.
    • If the message will remain in the default inbox, enter the name. An example could be Inbox.
    • If the message will be filtered to a specific folder, enter that folder name. An example may be Acme Invoices.
    Note: The monitor only supports folders at the sibling or child level of the default inbox.
  7. The optional Attachment File Name Filter field filters for certain files based on file name and/or file extension. Regular expressions can be used to populate this value.

    A Regular Expression is a sequence of characters that forms a search pattern, mainly for use in pattern matching with string values. They can be used to define the File Name Filter field to select documents that conform to the Regular Expression pattern.

    Two examples of Regular Expressions are:

    Expression Description
    .* Any Character; zero or more times.
    \. A backslash can be used prior to indicating a literal value.
  8. Select a Mode of Action to determine what happens to the email (including attachments) after it has been identified by the monitor. Choices include:
    Mode Description
    Move messages to archive folder Moves the message into a separate folder within your email account and mark it as read.
    Mark as read Leaves the message in its current folder, but mark it as read. It will not be archived.
    Remove messages without archiving Deletes the message from your email account. It will not be archived.
  9. If choosing to move messages to an archive folder (first mode in step above), then enter the folder information in the Archive Folder field.
  10. By default, Clarify only calls an Event for each email attachment. To receive a separate notification for the body of the email, select the Issue event for email body checkbox.
    By default, an Event will launch based on the existence of an attachment to the email; not the body. By selecting this checkbox, the associated Event now launches based on email body data. If you have both an attachment and content in the email, with this option checked, Clarify launches an Event for each. When not checked and no attachment is found, then no Event will launch.
  11. Enter a value in the Polling Interval (Minutes) field; this specifies how often Clarify checks for email in the selected inbox folder. The value represents minutes. For example, a value of 5 means that the object checks the folder specified every five minutes.
  12. To enable the Email Receive Monitor to automatically start whenever the Clarify Server starts (eliminating the need for a manual start), select the Run As Service checkbox. Not selecting this requires you to manually start the Email Receive Monitor from Admin Console | Resource Monitors view.
    Note: Generally, you would select this once you're done testing in the Local Test server and are ready for production. See Starting Email Receive Monitors for more information.
  13. The Security Mode field specifies the connection type required for the email server. Select the value which corresponds to the requirements of your email server. Options include:
    Security Mode Description
    Plaintext Messages are sent as unencrypted, plain text only (port 143).
    Plaintext with STARTTLS Message starts as a plain text message and is upgraded to an encrypted transmission in-transit (IMAP port 143, STARTTLS=true).
    SSL / TLS Messages are encrypted (IMAPS port 993, SSL=true, STARTTLS=true).
    Note: If using email that contains inline attachments (i.e., an attachment seen directly within the email message body), make sure to select the Issue Events for inline attachments checkbox. Not doing so may prevent Events from being triggered.