How to Stop, Suspend, and Resume Clarify Single Servers

Stopping, suspending, and resuming single servers can either be done programmatically, through the Studio, or by a combination of both.

From the command line (ebi_ctl)

Remote single server environments can be monitored and controlled through the use of the ebi_ctl script, which is located in the utils directory of a Clarify Server installation.

This script (provided as both .bat &.sh) allows for stopping, suspending, resuming, and status checking of remote single servers. This method of server control is often used as part of routine maintenance, update, and backup processes.


To use ebi_ctl, open a command prompt or terminal window, positioned to the utils directory.

Run one of the following scripts per your OS:
  • ebi_ctl.bat (Windows)Will
  • (Linux)

Usage example: ebi_ctl –parameter

Parameter Description
listQueues Returns a list of queues, their status, and current size.
  • Active Processes lists the number of jobs currently processing activities for that queue.
  • Queue Size indicates the number of activities waiting in that queue.
listSchedule Returns a list of scheduled Business Processes, their next scheduled time, and Process Schedule attributes.
shutdown Stops a single server. However, it suspends (non-persistent) and/or completes active jobs first.
suspendReceiver Suspends the Receiver Node for a single server environment. When suspended, all File Monitors are stopped. However, Database Monitors, Web Service Providers and Email Receive Monitors continue to run.
resumeReceiver Resumes the Receiver Node in a single server environment.
suspendCoordinator Suspends the Coordinator Node in a single server environment. This suspends all queues, but does not change their individual suspend states.
resumeCoordinator Resumes the Coordinator Node in a single server environment. Resumes all queues that are not individually in a suspended state.
suspendQueue <queueName> Suspends the specified queue. Suspended queues prevent Worker Nodes from performing their queued activities.
resumeQueue <queueName> Resumes the specified queue. Allows Worker Nodes to perform queued activities in this queue.
stopNode <hostname:port:role>

Please see note below on correctly defining the hostname for single server.

For the specified Node (role); this suspends (non-persistent) and/or completes all active work, and then shuts down.
  • For a single server environment, the command will shut down both the EBI Server and the Postgres database.
killNode <hostname:port:role>

Please see note below on correctly defining the hostname for single server.

Immediately stops the specified Node (role), regardless of active work.

Defining hostnames, ports, and roles for single server - applies to stop and kill nodes

To correctly define the hostname and port for single server, the default hostname and coordinator port should be used. These values are found in the file, located in the <WorkspaceDirectory>\nodes\workspace directory. An example of this file with highlighted values is shown here.

An example command would appear as:ebi_ctl -stopNode

Other options:


Displays script help, showing parameters and their description.

-share <directory>

Specify a share directory. When not specified, attempts to default to the value found in EbiServer_Standard.ini.

From the Studio

The steps to stop, suspend, and resume single servers from the Studio are described in Managing Studio Connections to Remote Servers.